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A few titles continue to appear sporadically from Last Gasp, Kitchen Sink, and Rip Off Press supposed sure-sellers such as Dope Comix, Bizarre Sex, and the despicable Cocaine Comix. Underground comix died with love beads and long hair (as a statement) and flower children and that whole psychedelic era. Gone the way of newsreels, black & white television, patriotism, and Steve Ditko’s Spider-Man.

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Asking, “What happened to underground comix?” is like asking, “Why isn’t anyone dancing the Charleston anymore?”

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Just as many of us are unable to view that death as a natural one. Many of us seem reluctant to declare underground comix dead.

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From the TCJ Archives On Comics and Catholics: The Justin Green Interviewįrom The Comics Journal #104 (January 1986) From T he Apex Treasury of Underground Comics (1974)

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